Sunday Dec 27, 2020
Learning Acceptance and Love from the Holy Family
Sunday Dec 27, 2020
Sunday Dec 27, 2020
The Holy Family teaches us to be adaptable; to love each other, even when things don't go as planned, and to grow in that love; and to be open to whomever God sends to be part of our family.
Friday Dec 25, 2020
Jesus, and Jesus Alone
Friday Dec 25, 2020
Friday Dec 25, 2020
Fr. Dave and Fr. Hans bring home the message that there is no substitute for baby Jesus in our Nativity sets, or in our hearts.
Sunday Dec 20, 2020
Seeing through the eyes of our soul
Sunday Dec 20, 2020
Sunday Dec 20, 2020
Take a few minutes this week to gaze at the Nativity scene (either at home or a photo online) and pray the Our Father, asking God to help us to see as God sees.
Our Mission - Know, Grow, Go
Holy Trinity summarizes its purpose as know, grow, go. These three words define and motivate everything we do here.
KNOW: We are committed to providing the necessary tools, support, and encouragement for each person to come to know God in a personal way. There is a huge difference between knowing about God, and coming to know God in a personal way. The ministry of Jesus was directed to show us how to do this and to make this possible.
“I bow my knees before the Father, and ask that he may grant you to be strengthened thru the Holy Spirit, that Christ may dwell in your hearts, and that being rooted in love you may have the power to comprehend the extravagant love of God, and to personally experience the love of Christ which surpasses all knowledge.”
Eph. 3:14-18
GROW: Holy Trinity then provides many services helpful in allowing this relationship with God to grow towards greater maturity. Our liturgies, ministries, programs, school, and community are all dedicated to ongoing growth in our faith and in living that faith deeply and fruitfully.
“Put on the whole armor of God, that you might be able to resist the attack of the devil. Put on truth, righteousness, peacefulness, and faith. Pray with fervor. Keep alert. Speak boldly. Intercede persistently for all."
Eph. 6:13-20
GO: All of this leads us to go forth and make a difference in our community: in our families, workplaces, schools, neighborhoods, and everywhere we are. We seek to give God permission to use us and our interests, gifts, and skills for the building of his Kingdom.
"As each has received a gift, employ it for one another as good stewards of God’s abundant and varied grace — in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ.”
1 Peter 4:10-11