Monday Mar 20, 2023
What Blinds You from Seeing?
Monday Mar 20, 2023
Monday Mar 20, 2023
By giving God the glory and thanking him in good times and in bad, we humble ourselves and recognize that are not in charge. No matter what befalls us or the sins we commit, God is always there wanting to restore our sight and inviting us to reconcile with him. And, by exposing the darkness of sin in our lives, the light in each of us becomes more visible to those around us.
Monday Mar 13, 2023
Jesus, our Life-giving Water
Monday Mar 13, 2023
Monday Mar 13, 2023
Our ultimate thirst and yearning is for God, who wants to pour his love into our hearts. Lent is a time to ask what we are filling our hearts with and how we are pouring ourselves out for others. Are we filling our hearts with murky, dirt-laden water; with soft drinks that are best enjoyed sparingly; or clear, pure water that begets more life when we share it? Jesus is the source of this life-giving water. May we drink deeply of his love and pour it out to others.
Monday Mar 06, 2023
Confession Can Transfigure You
Monday Mar 06, 2023
Monday Mar 06, 2023
While the Sacrament of Reconciliation (a.k.a., Confession) is one of Fr. Bill's favorites, that's not the case for most people. Fr. Bill walks through some of the questions and fears surrounding this healing sacrament to explain its importance and show how we can experience a Transfiguration through it.
Monday Feb 27, 2023
Return to Me. Come as you are.
Monday Feb 27, 2023
Monday Feb 27, 2023
Lent is a time to retune the ears of our heart. That’s really the point of our fasting, prayer, and sacrifice: they’re invitations to weaken the ego with its incessant demands, to refocus our gaze back to God, and to hear Him say once more to us, “You are my beloved child. I know your heart. I know what’s best for you. I have plans for you. Come back to Me."
You don’t have to have your act together. You don’t need to hide anything. You don’t need to pretend your life is something that it’s not. Come as you are, warts and all. Find one thing to do this Lent and let God have your attention, even if it's just for 10 minutes a day. You might be surprised by what He says.
Friday Feb 24, 2023
A Springtime of Faith (Ash Wednesday)
Friday Feb 24, 2023
Friday Feb 24, 2023
Lent gives us a special time to be keenly aware of our sins and our own selfishness. Jesus' challenge in the Gospel is not to stop doing righteous deeds or prayer altogether, but to do them for the good of others and the glory of God regardless if they will be seen or not by others. As you begin your Lenten journey and practice, measure it against the standard of how it will be good for others, not just yourself.
Wednesday Feb 22, 2023
Love your enemies. Period.
Wednesday Feb 22, 2023
Wednesday Feb 22, 2023
Living the commandment to love our enemies is probably the hardest thing we can do. Simply put, we cannot do this without the supernatural grace of God. Remember that "love" is not the same as “like.” Loving someone is willing good for the other, while liking someone is a much more subjective thing. You don’t have to like everyone, but you must love them.
This commandment is not a suggestion. It’s just the hardest thing to do. So, let us pray for the supernatural grace to love our enemies. Period.
Monday Feb 13, 2023
Love as God Loves
Monday Feb 13, 2023
Monday Feb 13, 2023
The vocation to marriage calls an individual to imitate God’s love by dedicating oneself to service for their spouse and to be open to the children conceived from their love. In this covenant of love, husbands and wives strive to live out the promise to love as God loves in a particular way, by giving of each other without condition. Through the highs and lows, the ecstasies and crucibles of marriage, each spouse’s vocation is to help the other become more of what God desires for them.
Monday Feb 06, 2023
Who is humble in your life?
Monday Feb 06, 2023
Monday Feb 06, 2023
Humility is knowing who we are as God has created us; knowing our true place in life, not more and not less. We are meant to recognize our God-given talents and tend those gifts to the best of our ability, not for the sake of ourselves but for God and others. To be ultimately motivated for our own sake is arrogance, empty, and vain. Our struggle is that we are prone to slip into the two extremes: “I’m pond scum” and “not worthy to be alive” or “I am the greatest” and “I know more about things than anyone else.” A truly faithful, humble life is one that gives ourselves away, to forget out our narcissistic ideations, and simply serve others without ulterior motives.
Our Mission - Know, Grow, Go
Holy Trinity summarizes its purpose as know, grow, go. These three words define and motivate everything we do here.
KNOW: We are committed to providing the necessary tools, support, and encouragement for each person to come to know God in a personal way. There is a huge difference between knowing about God, and coming to know God in a personal way. The ministry of Jesus was directed to show us how to do this and to make this possible.
“I bow my knees before the Father, and ask that he may grant you to be strengthened thru the Holy Spirit, that Christ may dwell in your hearts, and that being rooted in love you may have the power to comprehend the extravagant love of God, and to personally experience the love of Christ which surpasses all knowledge.”
Eph. 3:14-18
GROW: Holy Trinity then provides many services helpful in allowing this relationship with God to grow towards greater maturity. Our liturgies, ministries, programs, school, and community are all dedicated to ongoing growth in our faith and in living that faith deeply and fruitfully.
“Put on the whole armor of God, that you might be able to resist the attack of the devil. Put on truth, righteousness, peacefulness, and faith. Pray with fervor. Keep alert. Speak boldly. Intercede persistently for all."
Eph. 6:13-20
GO: All of this leads us to go forth and make a difference in our community: in our families, workplaces, schools, neighborhoods, and everywhere we are. We seek to give God permission to use us and our interests, gifts, and skills for the building of his Kingdom.
"As each has received a gift, employ it for one another as good stewards of God’s abundant and varied grace — in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ.”
1 Peter 4:10-11