Monday May 01, 2023
Do you know His Voice?
Monday May 01, 2023
Monday May 01, 2023
God, our Good Shepherd, has made us for Him. He's tuned our lives to resonate to his voice. If you feel as though God is not speaking to you, your life may be out of tune. We're a bit like a radio, in that way - God is always speaking to us, but we need to set our hearts and minds - indeed, our very lives - on the right channel.
Monday Apr 24, 2023
See, I am doing something new!
Monday Apr 24, 2023
Monday Apr 24, 2023
All of us wrestle with the temptation to keep people, situations and even organizations in small, familiar boxes that we can understand, and maybe even control. And when they no longer fit in those boxes – when they change or grow or undergo conversion – it’s easy for us to not see it – or, worse, to resist it, not letting them change and grow. In doing so, we blind ourselves to the possibility that God is doing something new, and we become a hindrance rather than a help to God’s plan.
This week, sit with these questions:
Where in your life are you resisting God’s initiative, the newness God might be trying to bring?
Is it your skepticism in the face of a loved one who’s trying to change their life?
Is it your resistance to truth in the words of those who may see something that we ourselves don’t want to see?
Is it in demanding that your workplace or your team or even the Church conform to what’s personally comfortable or culturally acceptable?
Is it in the anger or stubbornness with which you greet some change in your life?
Where might God be saying to you, “Ooo! What’s over here?” and where might you be responding, “Eh. I’m good right here.”?
Someone once said, “The only predictable thing about God is that He’s unpredictable.” Where is this predictably unpredictable God working in your life, rocking your boat - and how can you learn to trust Him and enjoy the ride?
Monday Apr 17, 2023
Beyond Doubt
Monday Apr 17, 2023
Monday Apr 17, 2023
We all experience doubts; it's part of being human. How we handle our doubt is the key: doubts can diminish faith, but they can also be the catalyst to increase faith. But how do we move forward and have faith beyond our doubts? Fr. Bill suggests the following three things:
Allow your doubt to be the catalyst for more understanding.
Come to that understanding starting from a place of trust.
Don't stop praying, going to Mass, or going to Confession.
Tuesday Apr 11, 2023
Rescued (Easter Vigil/Sunday)
Tuesday Apr 11, 2023
Tuesday Apr 11, 2023
No matter how deep your darkness gets, no matter how deep you feel buried by your sins, Jesus loves you and wants to dig you out. Jesus’ Resurrection proves that he is more than capable to rescue you. He desires that each one of us would be with him in heaven for eternity. That is not just good news - it’s the greatest news ever.
Watch the original footage of the tree well rescue that Fr. Bill talks about in his homily (contains occasional use of strong language).
Saturday Apr 08, 2023
We were lost, but now we are found (Good Friday)
Saturday Apr 08, 2023
Saturday Apr 08, 2023
Because of Jesus’ cross, because of where he’s gone on the cross, there is now no sin, no illness, no misfortune, no cruelty, no pain, no suffering – no matter how deep or dark or lonely – where God has not already gone, and now stands there watching for us, waiting to lift us up. Dear friends, we were lost – but now we are found.
Friday Apr 07, 2023
To Serve Others Before Ourselves (Holy Thursday)
Friday Apr 07, 2023
Friday Apr 07, 2023
A new commandment was given to us and demonstrated in the life of Jesus: we are to reorient our hearts and minds to serve and not be served. Will you encounter strange people? Yes. Will the process be messy? Yes. Will you more closely live out the commandment to love as Jesus loved? Yes.
Monday Apr 03, 2023
Jesus Knows Your Suffering
Monday Apr 03, 2023
Monday Apr 03, 2023
Through Christ's suffering and death, he bound himself to us - to our own suffering. As you move through difficult times, take solace in the knowledge that God is near to you, intimately close, regardless if you can feel Him or not. It is in His Passion and Death on the cross that He can bring you through your own passion and death into eternal life - for there is no resurrection without the cross.
Monday Mar 27, 2023
When God leaves us in the tomb...
Monday Mar 27, 2023
Monday Mar 27, 2023
Sometimes, like Lazarus, the Lord leaves us in the tomb for His own mysterious reasons. Rather than just lifting us out of our darkness, God asks us to remain and delays answering our pleas because Heaven’s timeline is different from ours.
In these times, there are things we can do to weather the storm: keep your eyes on the Lord, take solace in scripture, and lean on those who love you. When we're waiting in the tomb for God to act, we don't have to wait alone.
Our Mission - Know, Grow, Go
Holy Trinity summarizes its purpose as know, grow, go. These three words define and motivate everything we do here.
KNOW: We are committed to providing the necessary tools, support, and encouragement for each person to come to know God in a personal way. There is a huge difference between knowing about God, and coming to know God in a personal way. The ministry of Jesus was directed to show us how to do this and to make this possible.
“I bow my knees before the Father, and ask that he may grant you to be strengthened thru the Holy Spirit, that Christ may dwell in your hearts, and that being rooted in love you may have the power to comprehend the extravagant love of God, and to personally experience the love of Christ which surpasses all knowledge.”
Eph. 3:14-18
GROW: Holy Trinity then provides many services helpful in allowing this relationship with God to grow towards greater maturity. Our liturgies, ministries, programs, school, and community are all dedicated to ongoing growth in our faith and in living that faith deeply and fruitfully.
“Put on the whole armor of God, that you might be able to resist the attack of the devil. Put on truth, righteousness, peacefulness, and faith. Pray with fervor. Keep alert. Speak boldly. Intercede persistently for all."
Eph. 6:13-20
GO: All of this leads us to go forth and make a difference in our community: in our families, workplaces, schools, neighborhoods, and everywhere we are. We seek to give God permission to use us and our interests, gifts, and skills for the building of his Kingdom.
"As each has received a gift, employ it for one another as good stewards of God’s abundant and varied grace — in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ.”
1 Peter 4:10-11